Wednesday 16th October, 2025 is National Boss’s Day in the USA.
If you’re fortunate enough to have some great leaders in your organization (maybe those leadership development programs have come in clutch) this is a perfect opportunity to show your appreciation.
Use this guide to help you show your boss the love they deserve!
History Of Boss’s Day
Boss’s Day was created in 1958 by Patricia Bays Haroski, an employee at State Farm Insurance in Deerfield, Illinois.
She registered the day with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to honor her boss, who also happened to be her father, in recognition of his kindness and fairness in the workplace.
Haroski aimed to strengthen relationships between employees and their supervisors and encourage a more positive work environment. The day became increasingly popular over the years, and in 1979, Hallmark began producing Boss’s Day cards.
Since then, it has been recognized in various countries, with employees often showing appreciation for their bosses through cards, gifts, or small celebrations.
Why Thank Your Boss?
Employee recognition is important, even for bosses who are human beings too. I remember how genuinely happy our CEO seemed when someone gave him a shoutout in one of our public Slack channels.
Bosses often work long and hard and have to deal with the stress of keeping the organization moving and everyone well and employed.
Some take their responsibilities to heart more than others, and it’s worth celebrating the ones that do.
10 Ways To Celebrate Boss’s Day
There’s no shortage of employee recognition ideas, here are some your boss will love:
1. Public acknowledgment
Acknowledge them in a team meeting, company-wide email, or on social media, expressing your gratitude for their hard work. Maybe you want to create a song for them like in The Office
2. Small gift
Doesn’t have to be lavish, perhaps a personalized gift such as notebooks, pens, or mug with their name, picture or initials, or just something you know they’d like.
3. Group card
Gather your team to create a card where everyone can write a heartfelt message. This is simple but meaningful.
4. Gift basket
Put together a basket of their favorite treats—you know what they are!
5. Recognition award
Create a "Best Boss" or “Best Manager” award or certificate to recognize their leadership qualities. It can be humorous or heartfelt depending on your work culture.

6. Team outing
Plan a fun team-building activity, such as bowling, a mini-golf trip, or an escape room adventure, to celebrate together.
7. Handwritten letter
A personal note expressing appreciation for their guidance and leadership can make a lasting impression.
8. Office decor surprise
If appropriate, decorate their office or workspace with balloons, streamers, or signs celebrating their contributions.
9. Professional development gift
Give a book related to leadership, business, or professional interests, or offer a gift certificate to a seminar or course they might enjoy.
10. Make a donation in their name
If there’s a cause you know is particularly dear to their hearts then making a donation in their name is a really nice gesture.
Why Recognition Goes Beyond Boss’s Day
If you have good ‘bosses’ in your organization, then recognition should go beyond just one day of the year.
An effective employee recognition program helps people feel valued for their efforts and is important for reinforcing desired behaviors and building organizational culture—but it’s not always easy!
Employee recognition software can help you be more consistent with your employee recognition efforts, especially if your team is large. These tools automate recognition, track milestones, and motivate employees using tangible rewards.
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