Welcome to Human Resources Explained (now People Managing People), and thank you for dropping by. My name is Brendan, and I’m the person behind this site. I’m an HR Practitioner with experience with multinationals, Government organisations, and the odd degree as well.
Probably the first thing you should know about me is that I’m not an expert, I tend to find that most HR experts are too busy leading HR for multinational companies, writing books, or lecturing, etc, to maintain websites. And the unfortunate truth is that this online scarcity of experts had been filled by those who are very happy to call themselves experts or guru’s etc. So if I’m not an HR expert, what am I? The fact is I’m lucky. Lucky that the university I initially enrolled in to study IT, happened to have some of the leading Organizational Psychologists in the country as academics, and that I changed to a Psych major in my second year. I’ve also been incredibly lucky with the managers and mentors that I’ve had right though my HR career, people who have been incredibly generous with their knowledge. There’s a common saying around employment that people join organisations and leave managers, my experience has been the polar opposite, I’ve stayed (and indeed joined organizations) because of my managers.
So that brings us to why this site, why do I spend time creating content and figuring out how to build a website? I actually feel an obligation to share the learning’s and insights that I’ve gained through opportunities I’ve enjoyed, and those amazing mentors and managers who taught me so much. And not all of it will work for you, some of it may have absolutely no relevance to your career or your journey, but that’s your decision to make, and I’m putting this information online so you can make that decision.