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Reach Your Full Potential As A People Operations Leader

Join the community for HR and business leaders building great workplace culture and genuine employee engagement within rapidly-growing organizations.

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Connect with other HR leaders tackling growth

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Workshop solutions to your specific growing pains

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Stay on top of industry trends & innnovations


Life As An HR Professional Is A Balancing Act

We’re the bridge between leadership teams and employees, charged with putting the systems and processes in place to help the organization grow and thrive.

We are visionaries, tacticians, and therapists—all in one.


On any given day, you face dozens of complex, people-centric challenges:

  • Everyone wants great company culture, but no one wants to change
  • You own the employee experience, but have to wear all the hats with little support
  • You’re working tirelessly to get buy-in on things that are considered best practice
  • You’re attracting world-class talent, but low engagement has created a revolving door

Well you can take a deep breath — because you’ve found your people.

People Operations Is Better Together

We’re a tight-knit community for building the skills, confidence, and connections you need to supercharge your career and make a genuine impact in your organization.


Give Yourself A Sounding Board Of Folks Who Really “Get It”

Learn and network with HR professionals just like you. Ask questions, get answers and share insights. We’re here to help you build stronger cultures, create better experiences and inspire innovation.


Boost Your Career With A Peer Mastermind Group

Join or create breakout sessions with a close-knit group of peers to help work through problems, stay accountable and support each other with the power of consistent connections. Bring your expertise, share your challenges, and grow together.


Discuss Trends With Top Experts At Our Live Hangouts

Interact with industry thought leaders and members of our advisory board live. Then tap into past session recordings on-demand.


Save Time With Action-Ready Templates & Samples

Leverage proven templates built by leaders in the HR and People Ops space. Our library of templates is our cheat code for efficiency when you’re tackling new challenges on the fly.

Upcoming Hangouts

Our interactive virtual hangouts are a casual space for learning and discussing trending topics with top experts. Join as a guest to see what it’s all about!

Who’s here?

Our members represent a diverse cross-section of the People Operations world. Meet a few of our Resident Experts:

If you’re ready to become a better HR Leader, now’s the perfect time to put some wind in your sails.

Build your skills.
Grow your network.
Win at work.

Join our campfire. Come exchange tips, discuss trends, and get support on any obstacle you may be facing.

You’ll also gain access to our exclusive and growing library of resources to help you progress and maximize your impact in every aspect of your role.

Supercharge Your Career
The Community Membership
per month (billed annually)
  • Connect with other HR leaders via our safe, ad-free Slack space
  • Get direct coaching from industry experts
  • Interact with recognized thought leaders at live monthly hangouts
  • Join a facilitated Mastermind group
  • Save time using our growing library of templates & guides

Get Your Entire Team On Board

Keep your team aligned and contributing at the leading edge of their practice with a team community membership.