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In my experience working in HR and testing out tons of tech, I've found that a great applicant tracking system (ATS) is essential in the recruitment process. But jumping through vendor websites and user reviews trying to decide if a platform is the best choice for your team? It's tedious, time-consuming, and frustrating.

With the hopes of helping you find your perfect match, I'm here to unpack Manatal software for you. From its features to its usability to its best use case, I'll walk you through each aspect so you can make an informed decision about whether it aligns with your needs. No fluff, just the essentials, to help you figure out if this is the tool that meets your HR demands.

Manatal Software Social Media Enrichment Dashboard view
I really love the social media data enrichment tool in Manatal, which gives me that much more info about each and every applicant in my pipeline.

Manatal Software Product Overview

Manatal serves as a comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM) and recruitment software that streamlines the hiring process by organizing candidate profiles, simplifying resume parsing, and maintaining a robust candidate database for recruitment agencies and human resources departments. It's designed for staffing professionals, headhunters, and hiring managers in small businesses, providing drag-and-drop interfaces, messaging capabilities, and AI recommendations to identify the best candidates efficiently.

This recruitment CRM tackles the complexities of managing large volumes of applicants, enhances candidate scoring, and facilitates collaboration tools for teams. Key benefits include a built-in career page builder, Chrome extension for easy data capture, compliance tools to meet various regulations, integration with Google Calendar for scheduling, and social media enrichment features to broaden candidate insights. The support team is responsive according to user reviews, and metrics and KPIs can be tracked through its scorecard and advanced search functions.


  • Ease of Use: Manatal's interface is user-friendly, which translates to a shorter learning curve and quicker adoption for new users.
  • Candidate Sourcing: The software boasts advanced AI-driven recommendations and social media recruitment features, making it easier to find and attract top talent.
  • Compliance: Manatal helps ensure recruitment practices comply with various regulations, providing peace of mind and risk mitigation.


  • Customization Limits: Some users may find the customization options for workflows and processes limited.
  • Reporting Features: While robust, the reporting suite might not satisfy those needing highly detailed or customizable reports.
  • Integration Scope: There might be gaps in integration with other HR tools, which could pose a challenge for some workflows.

Expert Opinion

Having worked with various HR Management tools, I find Manatal's straightforward approach refreshing. Its recruitment process optimization stands out, with particular strengths in AI-driven candidate recommendations. The software does face stiff competition in terms of integration capabilities and deep customization.

However, for small to mid-sized businesses seeking a competent, no-nonsense recruitment solution, Manatal proves to be a strong contender. Its simplicity and focus on compliance and candidate sourcing may outshine more complex systems for these users.

Manatal: The Bottom Line

What sets Manatal apart is its commitment to streamlining recruitment without overwhelming users with unnecessary complexity. Unlike other tools, it brings forth a powerful AI that works behind the scenes to present you with candidate matches that might otherwise be missed. Its standout feature is the ability to integrate recruitment with social media platforms, tapping into a broader talent pool.

This distinct approach to candidate sourcing, combined with a sleek, accessible user interface, positions Manatal as a uniquely efficient ally in recruitment.

Manatal Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Manatal features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications

  1. Applicant Tracking System (ATS) - Yes
  2. Employee Onboarding - Yes
  3. Payroll Management - No
  4. Performance Management - Yes
  5. Benefits Management - No
  6. Time and Attendance Tracking - No
  7. Learning and Development - No
  8. Succession Planning - No
  9. Personnel Tracking - Yes
  10. Compliance Management - Yes
  11. Self-Service Portal - Yes
  12. Job Posting - Yes
  13. Candidate Sourcing - Yes
  14. Interview Management - Yes
  15. Background Screening - No
  16. HR Reporting - Yes
  17. Talent Management - Yes
  18. Employee Engagement - No
  19. Workforce Planning - No
  20. HR Analytics - Yes
  21. Mobile Access - Yes
  22. Social Media Integration - Yes
  23. Email Templates - Yes
  24. Career Page Building - Yes
  25. Multi-Language Support - Yes

Manatal Feature Overview

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Manatal's ATS is central to its offering, making it easy to track applicants' progress through the hiring pipeline. The intuitive layout helps HR managers to stay organized.
  • Employee Onboarding: This feature simplifies the process of integrating new hires into the company, providing a structured framework for onboarding.
  • Performance Management: With Manatal, tracking and analyzing employee performance becomes more streamlined, allowing for effective management and development strategies.
  • Personnel Tracking: The software allows you to maintain detailed records of employee information, important for HR management.
  • Compliance Management: Manatal ensures that recruitment practices stay within legal bounds, which is critical for global operations.
  • Self-Service Portal: Employees can manage their personal data, requests, and documents, fostering independence and reducing HR workload.
  • Job Posting: Manatal offers capabilities to post jobs to multiple platforms simultaneously, increasing efficiency.
  • Candidate Sourcing: Its sophisticated AI algorithms and social media integration stand out for finding and attracting candidates.
  • Interview Management: The tool streamlines the interview scheduling process, providing a seamless experience for both interviewers and candidates.
  • HR Reporting: Manatal's reporting tools generate insightful analytics to support decision-making.

Standout Functionality

Manatal differentiates itself with:

  • Advanced AI Recruitment: Its AI-driven candidate recommendations go beyond keyword matching, providing a nuanced approach to finding the right talent.
  • Social Media Recruitment: The ability to integrate directly with social media platforms for recruitment purposes is a unique feature that broadens the talent search.
  • Compliance Focus: Manatal's built-in compliance checks across different countries ensure that hiring practices adhere to local laws, a significant advantage for companies with a global presence.


Manatal offers integrations with popular platforms like LinkedIn, which can be leveraged to enhance the recruitment process. They provide an API, allowing for custom connections with other systems and expanding functionality. Add-ons are available to extend the platform, such as additional recruitment marketing tools.

Manatal Pricing

Comparing Manatal to similar HR Management tools, its pricing tiers are structured to cater to different organizational needs, offering competitive rates without compromising on essential features. There's no free tier, but plans include:

  • Starter Plan: $15/user/month (min 5 seats) - This plan provides basic ATS functions and candidate sourcing capabilities.
  • Professional Plan: $35/user/month (min 5 seats) - Offers enhanced features like performance management and HR reporting.
  • Enterprise Plan: Pricing upon request - Tailored for larger businesses requiring advanced functionalities and support.

Some plans may come with additional costs such as a one-time setup fee or are billed annually, adding to the overall expense.

Ease of Use

Manatal's user interface is straightforward, fostering a pleasant user experience right from onboarding. Navigation is logical, although some advanced features require a bit of a learning curve. Overall, the platform is organized in a way that makes sense for HR workflows.

Customer Support

Manatal provides solid customer support with satisfactory response times. Channels include documentation, webinars, and live chat. However, there could be improvements in the breadth of tutorials offered and some users might find the depth of immediate support lacking during off-hours or for complex issues.

Manatal Use Case

Who Would Be A Good Fit For Manatal?

I see Manatal as a particularly strong match for small to mid-sized businesses that need a solid, no-frills applicant tracking system and have a strong focus on compliance. The software is favored by those who value ease of use and efficient candidate sourcing, including HR departments that manage moderate volumes of recruitment.

Industries where it shines include tech startups, consulting firms, and agencies that need to streamline their hiring process without the complexity of larger, more feature-rich HR systems. Teams that are lean and look to integrate social media into their recruitment strategy find Manatal to be a good fit.

Who Would Be A Bad Fit For Manatal?

Large corporations with complex HR needs might find Manatal a mismatch. Its features, while robust for smaller operations, may not scale well for enterprises that require detailed customization, extensive integration capabilities, and sophisticated reporting.

Companies in industries with highly specialized recruitment processes, or those seeking in-depth learning and development modules within their HRM software, would likely find Manatal limiting.

Manatal FAQs

Can Manatal integrate with my current HR software?

Yes, Manatal offers an API for custom integrations, though the scope may vary depending on the other software.

Is Manatal suitable for global companies?

Yes, Manatal has compliance management for various countries and multi-language support, making it suitable for global use.

Does Manatal support payroll management?

No, Manatal does not currently offer payroll management features.

Can I use Manatal for employee performance reviews?

Yes, Manatal includes performance management features that support performance reviews.

Does Manatal have a mobile app?

Yes, Manatal offers mobile access for on-the-go HR management.

Can Manatal help with the job posting?

Yes, Manatal allows you to post jobs on multiple platforms and job boards.

Is there a free trial available for Manatal?

Manatal typically offers a free trial, but you should check the latest details on their website.

Does Manatal provide customer support?

Yes, Manatal offers customer support through various channels, including live chat and webinars.

Alternatives to Manatal

  • Workday: Workday is a strong alternative for large enterprises needing a comprehensive suite that includes finance and HR.
  • BambooHR: BambooHR stands out for small to medium businesses that desire an emphasis on culture and employee satisfaction.
  • Zoho Recruit: Zoho Recruit is a good fit for those who require more extensive customization and integration with a suite of business apps.

Manatal Company Overview & History

Manatal is a software company that streamlines recruitment processes with its cloud-based applicant tracking system. It's used by various companies, especially those in the tech and consulting sectors. Manatal is a privately owned entity, with headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand.

While it doesn’t boast notable public figures, the company's mission is to simplify hiring through innovation and customer-centric development. Since its inception, Manatal has reached significant milestones, including the launch of its AI-driven candidate recommendation engine and the expansion of compliance management features to support global operations.


Reflecting Manatal, it stands out for its user-friendly design, compliance focus, and efficient candidate sourcing. Its suitability for small to mid-sized businesses, particularly those integrating social media into their hiring strategies, makes it a noteworthy tool in the HR tech space.

I encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences with Manatal to help others in their decision-making process.

David Rice
By David Rice

David Rice is a long time journalist and editor who specializes in covering human resources and leadership topics. His career has seen him focus on a variety of industries for both print and digital publications in the United States and UK.