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Employee recognition is one of the most important drivers of engagement and high performance. And many HR teams seek out employee recognition platforms like Awardco to facilitate recognition exchanges among their workforce. But just as your recognition strategy is unique, so too are the tools available to facilitate it!

If you're thinking about Awardco as an employee recognition tool, you probably have a sense of what it's capable of. My review covers key information about its features, integrations, pros and cons, and best use case to help you make a grounded decision about whether it's right for your business.

awardco review screenshot showing recognition feed
I really love Awardco's integration with Microsoft Teams, which lets anyone send a recognition message directly through Microsoft Teams.

Awardco: Product Overview

Awardco is a software designed to streamline and enhance employee recognition efforts within organizations. Primarily, it caters to businesses seeking to improve their employee engagement and retention through meaningful recognition.

The tool offers substantial benefits by fostering a positive work culture, increasing employee motivation, and driving productivity. It addresses common pain points such as lack of recognition, inadequate reward options, and cumbersome recognition processes.

The standout features of Awardco include a vast selection of reward options, seamless integration with major e-commerce platforms, and real-time recognition capabilities.


  • Extensive Rewards: Awardco provides an expansive reward catalog. This means employees have more choices, leading to more personalized and appreciated recognition.
  • Real-time Recognition: The platform allows for immediate acknowledgment of employee achievements. This feature ensures timely and relevant appreciation, enhancing employee morale.
  • E-commerce Integration: Integration with major e-commerce platforms like Amazon business makes the redemption process smooth. Employees can easily redeem their rewards, adding to their overall satisfaction.


  • Limited Customization: Awardco offers restricted customization options. This can be a drawback for organizations looking for highly tailored recognition programs.
  • Learning Curve: Some users find the platform initially challenging to navigate. This could lead to slower adoption and implementation within the organization.
  • Support Response: The customer support response can sometimes be slower than expected. This might affect the resolution of issues and queries in a timely manner.

Expert Opinion

In my assessment of Awardco compared to other employee recognition software, I find its strengths lie in its broad range of reward options and seamless integration with e-commerce giants, which notably enhances the user experience. However, it falls short in customization and user interface intuitiveness, which could hinder its adoption in more specific or unique organizational environments.

While it excels in offering real-time recognition, ensuring immediate and relevant employee appreciation, the learning curve and sometimes slow customer support can be deterrents. From my perspective, Awardco is particularly well-suited for businesses seeking a straightforward, extensive rewards-based recognition system, but might not be the ideal choice for those needing highly customized or rapidly responsive support solutions.

When choosing a software, organizations should weigh these factors, determining which aspects align best with their specific recognition program goals and workforce dynamics.

Awardco: A Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into Awardco’s features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Standout Functionalities

  • Amazon Integration: Awardco's unique integration with Amazon sets it apart, providing a vast selection of rewards and streamlining the redemption process.
  • Real-Time Recognition: This feature allows for immediate acknowledgment of achievements, fostering a company culture of instant recognition, unlike some other platforms.
  • Social Recognition Wall: A distinctive aspect where employees' achievements are showcased publicly within the organization, enhancing visibility and boosting morale.

Other Key Features

  • Amazon Integration: The integration with Amazon offers a wide array of reward options, making the reward experience more personalized and satisfying.
  • Social Recognition Wall: This feature allows public acknowledgment of employee achievements, creating a culture of appreciation and visible recognition.
  • Real-Time Recognition: Instant recognition capabilities help in timely and relevant appreciation of employee efforts.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Ensures employees can access the platform anytime, enhancing the convenience and reach of the recognition program.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the recognition program, aiding in strategic decision-making.
  • Automated Celebrations: Automatically acknowledges important employee milestones, helping maintain a consistent recognition culture.
  • Global Reward Catalog: Accommodates a diverse workforce with a wide range of reward choices, catering to different preferences and locations.
  • Performance Management Integration: Links recognition with performance data, aligning employee recognition with overall business objectives.
  • API Access: Offers flexibility in integrating with other systems, allowing for a more cohesive tech ecosystem.
  • Secure Data Protection: Ensures that employee information and recognition data are kept secure, which is crucial for trust and compliance.

Product Specifications

Customizable RewardsYes
Peer-to-Peer RecognitionYes
Manager-to-Employee RecognitionYes
Social Recognition WallYes
Real-Time Recognition Yes
Mobile AccessibilityYes
Reporting and AnalyticsYes
Automated Celebrations (Birthdays, Anniversaries)Yes
Nomination and Voting Yes
Reward Points System Yes
Multi-Language Support Yes
Budget Management Yes
Customizable Branding Yes
Performance Management IntegrationYes
Employee Surveys v
API Access Yes
Global Reward Catalog Yes
Employee Feedback Tools Yes
Goal Tracking Yes
Recognition Badges Yes
User-Friendly Interface Yes
Secure Data ProtectionYes
Onboarding Assistance Yes
Live Customer Support Yes
User-Friendly InterfaceYes

Ease of Use

Navigating through Awardco's interface is generally straightforward, but there can be complexities in understanding all features initially. The onboarding process is structured, yet some users might find certain aspects, like customizing reward programs or interpreting analytics, less intuitive. These complexities require some time to familiarize oneself with the platform.

Customer Support

Awardco's customer support includes a range of channels like documentation, webinars, live chat, and tutorials. However, the response times can be inconsistent, leading to frustration for users needing timely assistance. Some users might find the depth of resources slightly lacking, especially when dealing with more complex issues.

Software Integrations

Awardco integrates natively with several software and tools, enhancing its functionality. Key integrations include performance management systems and HRIS platforms.

These integrations streamline processes like employee data management and recognition linked to performance metrics. Awardco also offers API access, allowing for more customized integrations. Various add-ons are available to extend platform capabilities, catering to specific organizational needs.

Awardco Pricing

Pricing for Awardco varies and is upon request. It generally aligns with industry standards considering the features offered. It does not appear to be significantly cheaper or more expensive than its competitors.

Awardco Use Cases

awardco review screenshot showing data visibility
I like how simple Awardco’s reporting tools are for monitoring and budgeting employee rewards and recognition.

Awardco has a lot to offer, but it may not be the best fit for your particular use case. Here are my thoughts on the types of organizations that would benefit from Awardco, and those that likely wouldn't.

Who would be a good fit for Awardco? 

Awardco is a good fit for medium to large enterprises looking for a comprehensive and diverse rewards-based recognition program. It appeals to organizations prioritizing employee engagement and retention. Its user base commonly includes companies with a global workforce due to its extensive reward catalog.

Who would be a bad fit for Awardco? 

However, while talking about the company size, Awardco might not be the best fit for small businesses or startups due to the scale of its features and potential cost implications. Companies seeking highly customized recognition programs or those needing immediate and extensive support may find the platform less suited to their needs.

Awardco FAQs

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions you may have about Awardco:

How does Awardco integrate with Amazon?

Awardco integrates directly with Amazon, allowing users to choose from a wide range of employee rewards directly from the Amazon marketplace.

Can Awardco be accessed on mobile devices?

Yes, Awardco is accessible on mobile devices, offering a convenient experience for users on the go.

What types of rewards does Awardco offer?

Awardco offers a diverse range of rewards, including products from Amazon, gift cards, experiences, and company-branded merchandise.

Is Awardco suitable for global companies?

Yes, Awardco is suitable for global companies as it offers a global reward catalog and supports multiple languages.

Does Awardco integrate with performance management systems?

Yes, Awardco integrates with various performance management systems, linking recognition with performance data.

What customer support options does Awardco provide?

Awardco provides customer support through documentation, webinars, live chat, and tutorials, with a focus on comprehensive user assistance.

Can Awardco's recognition programs be customized?

Yes, Awardco offers customization options for its recognition programs, though the extent of customization might vary.

Does Awardco have an API for further integration?

Yes, Awardco offers API access, allowing for more tailored integrations with other business systems.

Awardco Company Overview & History

Awardco is a company specializing in employee recognition and rewards software. It is used by various types of companies, including large enterprises and global organizations, to enhance employee engagement and retention. Awardco is a privately held company, and its ownership details are not publicly disclosed.

The company is headquartered in Orem, Utah. While specific notable employees, board members, or advisors are not widely publicized, the company is made up of team members focused on delivering effective recognition solutions. Awardco's mission is to provide a platform that empowers organizations to motivate and reward their employees in meaningful ways.

Since its inception, the company has achieved notable milestones, including significant growth in its user base and the expansion of its reward catalog to include a global selection of items.

Awardco Summary: The Bottom Line

My overall opinion of Awardco is that it stands out in the employee recognition software market, primarily due to its Amazon integration and real-time recognition capabilities. These features offer a level of immediacy and a wide range of reward options that many other tools do not.

It excels in making recognition a more tangible and gratifying experience for employees. The software's social recognition wall and extensive analytics are also noteworthy, enhancing visibility and strategic decision-making in employee recognition programs.

Alternatives to Awardco

If Awardco doesn't seem like the perfect fit for your needs, here are a few similar employee recognition solution systems you may want to consider instead:

  • Bonusly: Best for companies looking for a peer-to-peer recognition system with a social media-style interface.
  • Terryberry: Ideal for organizations seeking a more traditional and comprehensive approach to employee recognition and service awards.
  • Kazoo: Suited for businesses wanting a combined platform for recognition, performance management, and employee engagement surveys.

If you're still unsure which alternative to choose, check out other employee recognition solution alternatives.


In conclusion, Awardco is a robust and versatile employee recognition solution that excels in areas like reward diversity, real-time recognition, and integration with Amazon. Its standout features make it a compelling choice for medium to large organizations that value employee engagement and recognition.

However, it's important for potential users to consider their specific needs, such as customization and customer support requirements, before making a decision. If Awardco doesn't seem like the right fit, exploring alternatives like Bonusly, Terryberry, or Kazoo might provide more suitable options.

I invite readers to share their experiences and thoughts on Awardco or any similar tools they have used, as this can provide valuable insights for others considering these solutions.

By David Rice

David Rice is a long time journalist and editor who specializes in covering human resources and leadership topics. His career has seen him focus on a variety of industries for both print and digital publications in the United States and UK.